Thursday, October 3, 2013

No Junk October Day 3

     The kids had egg pancakes again! It's making me laugh but I eat eggs every day so I'm not concerned; it's just cute how much they love these grain free pancakes. When we first started our paleo journey they were distraught over the idea of never having pancakes again. This recent discovery has turned them in my direction. 
     I decided to have a cup of coffee w/ cinnamon first thing. It made my morning. I have been struggling lately to drink my coffee w/o sweeteners. I often go w/o but from time to time my sweet tooth gets the better if me. It's been more than a month since I have had coffee sans artificial creamer. It would have been better to just use heavy cream but I forget to buy it when I'm at the store. I have a good recipe for homemade cinnamon vanilla creamer I'll share soon. 
     It's amazing I made it to day 4. I'm going to have a mango juice for breakfast and some eggs. 
     10am and I'm finally hungry. I'm about to fry me some eggs!
   The eggs really helped. It held me over for a few hours. I drank more juice all afternoon. But I was starving all afternoon also. 
     I gave up my juice fast this evening. It was my mother-in-law's birthday. She passed away a year and a half ago. We went to visit her grave, plant a bush and sing her happy birthday. We also took her am ice cream cone. I decided to have a tiny one with her and everyone else. I only ate the ice cream and only that which was on top. 
For dinner I had a porter house steak, asparagus and 1/2 small sweet potato. It was delicious. But since there wasn't anything in my stomach I had to eat slow. It hit my stomach like a ton of bricks. 
Also not digesting food properly now. That makes for a loud stomach and lots of bathroom trips. Not fun. I'm not sorry I did the fast but I'm not happy with the results. Although I've lost 7 pounds, I've regained all the negative digestive problems I've spent time trying to correct. Plus my milk supply has greatly suffered. 

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

No Junk October - An Explination

Every October I've been plagued with the task of deciding how to pry mountains of candy from eager hands on Novemeber 1st. This year my kids are 11,10,7 and 1. 
My strategy is to convince them candy isn't always all that. 
So I gave them a choice
A. We give up junk food for 30 days. On October 31st, after trick or treating, they can enjoy their candy as much as they want. (I mistakenly thought Halloween was on a Friday)  so I decided to amend it by saying a couple pieces and then as much as they want Friday night. Then the rest will be donated to the troops. 
B. They don't have to give up anything for October. Then on Halloween they can have a couple pieces  of candy and 1 piece each day for 7 days. At the end they donate their candy. 
    My children chose option A. I figured they would. So my plan is already working mwahahahaha! Lol 

No Junk October Day 2

    Today I woke with a horrible headache. The baby couldn't sleep lying down due to nasal congestion, so I put him in the swing. That meant I was sleeping on the couch. That always means I will have a headache the next day. 
    The kids had banana egg pancakes again. And took ham, cheese sticks, apples, and a few other options that escape my foggy mind at the moment. 
     This brings me to my next point, my blood sugar. I think my headache is partly related to my blood sugar. I had 1 10oz red naked juice (can't remember the name and to dizzy to go look) and 1 10oz green juice. It was enough to not feel hungry for a couple hours, but by 10 am I was starting to feel dizzy and my stomach was growling loudly. Since I was running errands I grabbed a large container of Naked Protein Power. That helped a little. I think my body is angry with me for not feeding it food to digest. I might cave in and have eggs tonight. 

      I wound up drinking half the bottle of protein drink. It wasn't enough! I finally caved and juiced a bowl of left over beef stew. It was surprisingly good! I added some bone broth to thin it out. That really held me over several hours and helped relieve my head ache. I did not take any pain relievers since I cannot handle them on an empty stomach. I didn't start feeling hungry again until about 8:30. I had an 8oz glass of green juice, I'm still hungry. I remember this feeling from my starvation days. Those years I spent counting every calorie, denying myself fun foods but piling on the grains. All the while STARVING FAT! No joke! I have done extreme calorie restriction diets and gained weight.  Since discovering paleo I have freed myself from that dangerous trap. I am in love with real food.
      I weighed myself tonight for kicks and I'm down another pound. I'm happy but it's mixed blessing because I'm still breast feeding and I can tell it's really effected my supply. Additionally I have developed thrush which confirms my suspicion of high blood sugar. Whenever my blood sugar is too high I get thrush. 
    I cannot express how excited I am to have my eggs tomorrow. The Alpha Reset suggests egg white and I'm not sure why. It could be to ease back into food but my bigger suspicion is that they misguidedly believe egg yolks are not healthy. I however have read, learned, and personally discovered that egg yolks are Brain Food! 

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Sleep is Essential

If it wasn't for my baby who is a bit stuffy tonight I'd be sleeping soundly already. But it's 1am Oct 2. I struggle with sleeping. I have for a long time. Sleep is very important for our health. It's where our bodies recuperate and rebuild, where the mind finds clam and peace. I wish babies understood that. Anyway, I'm hopeful now he's asleep again and I'm tired. Good night 

No Junk Food October Day 1

No Junk October
Day 1
Kids had egg & banana pancakes for breakfast. They were too runny so we added a tablespoon of arrowroot powder. That helped a lot! I'm doing a juice fast so my breakfast was a
10 oz naked mango juice. Not ideal but I need a little variety and I choose to eat fruit early to burn off the sugar through the day.
Morning snack
I think the kids took dinosaur fruit for their morning snack. I had a juiced "pumpkin late" a little coffee with pumpkin, coconut milk and spices.
Kids were not as disagreeable about the choices for lunch today as I thought they might be. Ironic since it's nothing different than we always have available but they were so worried yesterday about not being able to have a sucker or chips till Halloween. What makes it funnier is that they don't normally eat that anyway.
12:30 For lunch I had green juice with some arrowroot powder (great fiber and thickening) and water. Seriously walking around my kitchen obsessed with the idea of chewing food. Lol I saw the spaghetti squash on my counter and thought "Saturday I'm eating you with a jar or tomato sauce!"  I don't think I've been this obsessed with food since I tried my first Whole 30 2 years ago. That first week was sooooo rough! I felt like a drug addict being kept from my drugs only I could touch, smell and see them. Which was much worse because it took self control not to eat those foods.

I needed another green juice by 3:00.
 Dinner for the family was beef stew. That was rough! It smelled so good. I don't think the creators of juice fasting have kids. There's no way it would occur to me to skip eating for 3 days. I'm not knocking it just being funny. But seriously staring at my family eating stew was torture. I accidentally put some butternut squash in it (was also making baby food) apparently I ruined it but the kids ate, so it's all good.
I did some cleaning tonight and realized I was hungry again. So another glass of green juice. To be honest I'm a little concerned about what all this juice is doing to my blood sugar. I should have bought a blood sugar test kit, since I'm insulin resistant. Since I just thought about it I guess I'll try to remember tomorrow.
I hate feeling hungry. Paleo keeps me very full and very even! I can't figure out how to juice an avocado and make it taste good. I can't wait till Thursday! At least I can have my beloved eggs. <3
Well Day 1 is done! Tomorrow is my last full day juicing. I hope I survive! Lol I'm down a couple pounds from last week (not my main concern but it's nice to know since my weight is caused by my IR)